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Some recipes for your early season vegetables!

Radish Dill Salad:

Radishes, balsamic vinegar, Dill

(cut the radishes up and mix with the balsamic and dill)

Cuts down on the spiciness of the radishes!

Beet Greens:

Steam them with a hint of sesame oil and/or tamari sauce

High in a lot of vitamins and nutrients. Probably.

Garlic Scape Pesto:

Same as making regular pesto but replace basil with scapes.

Freeze and add to any vegetables for a garlic kick!

Rhubarb Sorbet:

This was delicious!

*Spoiler Alert*

Stir fried Bok Choy:

Bok Choy, green onions and other seasonal vegetables, toasted sesame oil, tamari or soy sauce

Cut it all up, mix together, high heat quickly

Cauliflower Turnip Mash:

Nice mid-summer replacement for mashed potatoes. Boil the cauliflower and turnips then blend with coconut milk or dairy milk, garlic and onions. Garnish with green onions.

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