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Calm before the veggies...


In the spirit of keeping our members informed and up-to-date we will be trying to provide some short, simple blog updates. Very simple. Possibly even point-form. :)

As an example:

- we experienced some eggplant damage from hale.

- We've trying to plant our heat-lovers like tomatoes and peppers in between some quite windy days and the rain.

- Very much unlike last year, we are getting ample rain!

Some bigger news: Our team and co-op are always evolving. Many circumstances are constantly forcing us to re-assess and re-examine how we can operate our CSA. Unfortunately, for this year, Josh has had to remove himself from the CSA, and Jen has needed to greatly minimize her time with us. With this change, Ted and I have discussed how we can manage to maintain our small CSA, while experimenting with other aspects of a healthy and thriving farm AND keep up with the quality of produce we want to provide to our loyal members. And, like most small-scale farms this is all within the confines of trying to build an enterprise that can pay its employees a living wage.

Some of these changes are:

- Creating a winter CSA, to provide local veggies in the winter months and spread out our labour over a year.

- Building more efficient veggie processing stations and streamlining that process.

- As mentioned earlier, we have introduced pigs on the farm to help with the land management in a more holistic and environmental way, further reducing our dependence as organic farmers of tractors for tillage.

- We also plan on offering an egg share once our hens are ready, which would be roughly around November.

- And, as this post would indicate, communicating more with members honestly with both our successes and failures.

That reminds me we did also get a pretty bad germination rate with our cauliflower.

We're hoping that we can also host a tour of our market garden so members can get an idea of how we operate as well as a fun "volunteer-in-the-field-potluck-getting-to-know-each-other-day"! Hopefully with a snappier title.

…And “recipes.” Very simple – think 3 ingredients and no directions. But a general sense of what we’ve done with the produce we’ve grown over the years that people have enjoyed.

First week of our summer CSA is only a few weeks away, Wednesday June 28th. Details will be emailed.

Feel free to send us any questions or comments,

Thanks again for all your support,

Jon and Ted (and Josh and Jen)

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